We have used SES on several occasions and where we needed to understand how the ecological credentials of the site could turn a constraint in to an opportunity. This has been demonstrated to very good effect with land east of Aylesbury and land at Great Dunmow.
At Aylesbury the site had a notable population of wildlife habitats including newt, badger and bat and where the bird population was receptive to the way drainage was to be managed.
SES analysed the site and helped derive a masterplan that included nature reserves and scope for a regionally important reserve for birds. So much so that the RSPB now regard the initiative as exemplar. By SES efforts a site more familiar as one with wildlife constraint has become one now more familiar for its scope for habitat and management enhancement.
At Great Dunmow a site was proposed for development adjacent an SSSI. This would immediately suggest an unfavourable impact if development became me too close. However SES managed to identify the careful treatment required for margins to this SSSI and how, through management of intervening hedgerows an enhancement to connectivity with other important woodland areas created best scope for wildlife movement.
Bidwells – The UK’s leading regional property consultancy
Having worked with SES in partnership for a number of years, the service received is excellent and often resulting in a pragmatic solution whether it be ecological or arbrocultural.
–Bellway Homes Limited Essex
Persimmon Homes have worked with SES on numerous projects over the last nine years. Their consultants understand our needs and deliver expert ecological advice, this enables us to make informed decisions. SES continue to provide us with a professional pragmatic service that we happily recommend.
–Persimmon Homes Essex