Why do you need an EcIA?
It is a statutory requirement to undertake an EcIA as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for certain specified developments. Other smaller projects such as farming, mineral extraction and infrastructure development may also require EcIA depending on their size, location and potential to cause significant environmental impacts.
Our approach to Ecological Impact Assessments
SES have a strong track-record in EcIA, and offer in-depth experience of ecological input to the whole process, from initial scoping to delivery of information through the Environmental Statement.
The key steps to SES EcIA are:
- Close liaison with the client to ascertain project requirements to ensure a thorough understanding of the scheme.
- Scoping – This would involve initial ecological surveys and consultation with statutory consultees on the scope of the EcIA.
- Ecological survey of scoped ecological resources
- Determining ecological value of resources.
- Impact assessment
- Mitigation, compensation and enhancement
- Consequences for decision making – Including an overview of the project and the Environmental Statement.
SES have delivered EcIA assessments and successfully implemented nationally significant infrastructure schemes including Land east of Aylesbury which will see the creation of 2450 new homes in Buckinghamshire.